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Easter Women’s Fire

Writer: AJ Wolff-Lynne, LMTAJ Wolff-Lynne, LMT

Tonight, a group of women gathered around my backyard hearth for a heartwarming, glorious night of laughter, re-connection, re-creation and sharing.  We began warming our bellies with homemade chili, a whole host of gluten-free sides including cornbread, baked macaroni and a marvelous sliced ham.  I enjoyed decorating the table with colorful dishes of jelly beans, floating candles and flowers.  I delight in bringing people together for food and fire.

We noticed, as we brought our red rocking chairs down to the fire pit, that the clouds above were hanging heavy and low.  And yet, our spirits were without doubt that the evening outdoors would unfold as it needed to.  Fire was lit in a moment of silent contemplation as we each received a blessing of smoke and sparks.

Then, our inner work began.

Stories were shared that brought forth deep belly-laughter.  Hopes and dreams and fears danced in the flames as the sun set to the west.  Darkness settled around us, yet we were warm and cozy there by the fire.  We leaned in closer and shared what was even deeper on our hearts, lingering together until all that needed to be said was shared.  Jokes and songs gave birth to worries and concerns and that in turn gave birth to a newfound joy and feelings of support, encouragement and love.  We all breathed deeply as we bid farewell to fire and to one another.

After the women had left, I returned to the fire to offer my evening prayers and thanksgivings.  I gave thanks for all we had received and all that had been released, honoring the directions in the way that has become my custom.  I gave thanks to the beloved cloud beings for their gentle, sweet blessing of mist that had come about halfway through our women’s fire.  And I gave thanks that we had not needed a tarp or canopy that evening so that we could connect with the wide open skies and birds and trees all around.

Moments after I had wrapped up my prayers and returned inside, the heavens opened and a glorious rainstorm ensued.  Coming down in sheets with wildly whipping winds, all of the rain that had been waiting during our time together came down to meet the earth.  I wrapped up in my prayer blanket and settled into my front porch rocker under the awning, giving gratitude and love to the Beloved Ones who had been so compassionate as to wait until our fire circle was complete before sending the stormy weather our way.

What a gift this bi-monthly women’s circle is!  I am so grateful for the love and support of feminine energy.  Women’s gatherings are sacred and beautiful, especially when we reconnect with the natural world and have moments of quietude in the presence of Spirit.  What a gift of Divine Love!


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